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Podcast Episode 2: Real Estate Rockstar & Content Machine Leslie Heindel Shares How She Gets it All Done

Leslie Heindel is a CONTENT MACHINE, and she is the real estate agent and community expert behind

Leslie sold her first house back in 2015, and launching in 2017 is when Leslie saw the BIG shift in her business happen. In 2015, Leslie sold just under $1 million (which in New Orleans = 10 houses), and here’s what the following years looked like: 

  • 2016 = sold 1.8 million
  • 2017 = sold 4.8 million
  • 2018 = sold 11.8 million

MIND = BLOWN (But we’re also not surprised… this is the power of community marketing, people!) 

In this episode of the Community Marketing Podcast, we talk with Leslie all about:

  • How her website and blog evolved, and how she attracts the “insane” amount of traffic she receives to her website
  • Leslie’s incredible 365 New Orleans project 
  • Money, money, money—how much does all of this cost, and whether or not it’s all paid off
  • What makes the neighborhood pages on so valuable for clients
  • Tackling her sphere of influence and what that actually looks like 
  • The AMAZING benefits of Facebook lists
  • How Marguerite and Leslie met (after Leslie stalked Marguerite on the internet) 
  • How Leslie gets it all done (one time she went to Mexico for 5 days and wrote 42 blog posts on her “content retreat”) 

Thanks for tuning in!